The Screen

The screen, or "kelir", is made of white cotton with borders all round it, usually red, but sometimes blue, black, green or even patterned. The border at the bottom, which represents the ground or floor of the “stage”, is 8 to 10 centimeters wide, while the side and top borders are a little wider. Sometimes, there is an ornate but sturdy wooden frame for the screen, decorated with fret – work and serpents running across the top. This frame is equipped with hooks to which the screen is tied and it is also provided with an attachment for the lamp.
Not all of the screen is used for the action. Clearly, the dalang, seated cross-legged in front of the screen, could not manipulate the puppets over so wide an expense. An area in the centre of the screen, about 1.6 meters wide, is left vacant for “ the stage “, whilst puppets not in use are stood up in a row to right and left, with the “good” characters on the dalang’s right and the “bad” ones on his left . The puppets to be used in the play are either placed in the wooden chest on his left or, on the dalang’s right-hand side, in the lid of the chest.
Not all of the screen is used for the action. Clearly, the dalang, seated cross-legged in front of the screen, could not manipulate the puppets over so wide an expense. An area in the centre of the screen, about 1.6 meters wide, is left vacant for “ the stage “, whilst puppets not in use are stood up in a row to right and left, with the “good” characters on the dalang’s right and the “bad” ones on his left . The puppets to be used in the play are either placed in the wooden chest on his left or, on the dalang’s right-hand side, in the lid of the chest.
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